When it comes to securing the critical information, size and scale of your company do not matter. Information security services are aimed at delivering a security program to effectively address all the data security requirements of modern business. The IT security experts can make a plan to maintain the security at an optimum level in the wake of growing incidents of data breaches and information security needs of your company in line with the ever-changing business scenario.

An ideal and inclusive IT security program follows all the security standards and policies necessary to maintain the utmost safety of your company’s valuable data. From the personal details to critical corporate information, all sorts of data can be safeguarded by advanced IT security services. Let’s go through the key aspects covered in a complete information security program.

Which Aspects are included in Information Security Services?

From healthcare to manufacturing and retail to banking- every industry sector generates a plethora of data every day globally. What’s more, all B2B and B2C businesses deal with varieties of personal and professional information of clients, stakeholders, and suppliers. There, even a slight lapse in maintaining the privacy and safety of information can cost a lot to the business in terms of regulatory penalty and a loss of reputation. Thankfully, advancing technology lends a helping hand and we can secure critical information through a clearly defined information security program.

It includes the following aspects-

Risk assessment

risk assesment

This is a first and foremost thing for any organization. The information security provider company assesses the risks associated with your company’s data. For example, if you run a retail business, the priority should be given to your customers’ personal data and credit/debit card information. The risk assessments help IT security service providers to prioritize the requirements and provide cost-effective measures to secure the data.

Procedures and Standards

Physical documents, digital data, and other information need different level and types of security. The IT security services enable you to give an authority to access the corporate data as per your company’s policies and a hierarchy pattern. Also, the security program assists you to spread awareness about the data security among your employees and keep them alert about possible vulnerabilities and types of breaches.

Training, Education and Awareness

Your employees and stakeholders can remain prepared for any possible cyber attack by having proper training and education. What’s more, awareness brings a sense of responsibility and accountability among your employees. Even though they have a non-technical background, the education and training about data security can prevent them from becoming victims of social-engineering attacks.

Regulatory Compliance and Audit Compliance

audit compliance

The data breach can lead you toward legal and financial consequences. It is, therefore, necessary to comply with prevalent regulations and maintain regular auditing. Periodic assessments of security and precautionary measures can keep your business ahead of competitors.

Why Your Business Needs IT Security Program?

By implementing an IT security program, your organization can achieve three objectives. They are


Anytime access to confidential corporate data is a great facility with a lot of risks involved. Thanks to IT security services, you can control the accessibility and availability of valuable data for the management as well as employees. For example, the management can access the confidential reports on dealings and key processes of the company anytime, whereas the employees have limited access to them. It prevents your company’s data from going into the wrong hands and you can win the trust of stakeholders and customers.

Also, you can get a disaster recovery plan with regular backups to avoid any loss of important assets of your company.



Sensitive information of your company should be protected efficiently. Here, the security program can help you by providing restricted or selective access to your employees. Encryption, two-factor authentication, facial recognition, unique IDs, and password protection are some effective measure to maintain the confidentiality of your company’s digital assets. If you can manage the high confidentiality of the data of customers and employees, you can establish a great reputation for your company over the period.


Accuracy, authenticity, and availability of critical data enable you to build integrity for your company and products among customers and employees. It means that the confidential data of your company must be protected against accidental or incidental breaches and cyber attacks. It starts with authenticity and file permissions and ends with seamless access to necessary data anywhere and anytime.

It is fair to mention that the information security program is a never-ending process. As technology evolves and the incidents of cyber crimes are increasing, IT security services also get more advanced to cope with challenges. Just like digitalization and automation of processes, you should focus on data security these days to avoid any loss of important data of your company. What’s more, you need to keep the program updated with periodic reassessment of the risks.

Wrapping Up

A comprehensive and all-inclusive IT security program is crucial for the companies irrespective of their size and nature of business. A reliable information security services provider can readily address the security needs of your company with a holistic approach. Data safety, regulation compliance, and peace of mind are ultimate outcomes of having an organized security program in place in today’s ever-changing IT environment and challenging business scenario.

At Silver Touch, we clearly define security policies for your critical information from the perspectives of access and authority. We centrally encrypted the key management tasks on a single platform to bring security and automation in the system. Our experienced professionals can readily handle security risks associated with people, processes, and technologies with the help of cutting-edge tools and techniques. Do you want to know more about our information security services? Just drop us a line at info@silvertouch.com.

Minimal downtime and secure data transmission are essential for keeping your company financially sound. If your employees cannot work due to network issues or hacking, your business loses money. Let’s go through some alarming facts first. Then we will discuss about the Importance of business IT security

As per the IBM report, the global average cost of a data breach across various SMBs (Small and Mid-size Businesses) remains at $3.9 million every year. Another study of the University of Maryland has revealed that a cyberattack occurs every 39 seconds anywhere in the world.

These stats are sufficient to show the importance of information security services for your company. There is no point in living with a false belief that the company’s information is completely secure and there is no threat. Attempts of breaching your company’s valuable data can be increased as your company grows. Advancing technology has also strengthened the ways of cyberattacks.

Let’s understand the importance of business IT security services for your company. We will start from scratch and understand the term information security in brief.

Business IT Security- Brief Introduction

Information security aka infosec is a process of preventing counter threats, confidentiality, disruption, destruction, and modification of confidential business information by preventing unauthorized access. It aims to safeguard the company’s data from any malicious attempts or hacking. Corporate information or data includes business information, personal information, and any sort of data in digital or non-digital form.

When a cybercriminal or a hacker infiltrates a data source to extract any confidential information by accessing a computer or lack of network security, a data breach occurs. Though most data breaches are hacking or malware attacks, some attempts include payment card fraud and loss or theft of a hard drive of files. Here are the most prevalent cyber-attacks for data breaches.

Types of Data Breaches or Cyberattacks


Also known as “malicious software”, malware can be described as any code or program designed to harm your computer or software. Malware usually masquerades as a warning against harmful software and attempts to convince users to download a specific type of software. Once the software is downloaded, it can steal, encrypt, or hijack key functions of the victim’s computer.


It is a type of software that is aimed at gaining access to and restricting access to the company’s vital data. It can lock down files and systems. Hackers can then ask for a fee in the form of cryptocurrency to free the system. Enterprises and businesses of all sizes can be victims of ransomware attacks.


These are the most common ways by which hackers can gain access to sensitive or critical information. It starts with sending fraudulent emails that appear to come from a reputed company. Phishing scams are designed to deceive recipients into either clicking on a link or downloading an infectious attachment. This results in the loss of financial or confidential information. Businesses and individuals remain the common target for phishing attacks.


Denial of Service or DoS is a kind of cyberattack in which the hacker seeks to make a machine or network resource temporarily or indefinitely unavailable for use. It is typically done by sending superfluous requests to the targeted machine or resource to overload it and prevent a few or all legitimate requests from being processed. Banks remain the common target for DoS attacks.

Information security services enable to address these threats effectively.

Importance of Business IT Security for Modern Enterprises

There is no denial of the fact that any breach or stealing of internal corporate information can cause a financial and reputation crisis for the company. Companies may face a domino effect that triggers several unwanted consequences, and as a result, such companies may come on the verge of closure in a short time.

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Business IT security services enable companies to get rid of all such vulnerabilities and cyber threats. But then, still many SMBs tend to believe that they are not a potential target, and therefore, they do not want to invest in data security. Such companies can remain the soft target for hackers, and they can launch various cyberattacks successfully. Be it a startup, SMEs, or large enterprises, the losses that occur due to such attacks have often shocking aftermath.

The biggest advantage of information security services is they can protect the confidentiality of corporate information. Here are the other top benefits of information security or infosec for modern enterprises.

Top Benefits of Information Security for Companies

  • Prevents Unauthorized Access

Information security services implement encryption, password protection, and other advanced security protocols in the business databases to prevent any unauthorized access. Information security is also designed to provide access to corporate data based on Hierarchy.

  • Protects Confidentiality of Information

It is necessary to protect the confidentiality of information for ensuring corporate integrity. A business IT security services provider assists companies to keep users and IT professionals in the loop to implement the best practices for avoiding any confidentiality-related risks in the future.

  • Keeps Data Backups

Business IT security services also provide a data backup facility to reduce downtime during any breach attempt or a cyberattack. Data backups can remain handy to protect all necessary information for ensuring seamless operations of the company during the instance of a cyberattack.

  • Offers Extensive Security

Reputed information security providers offer SOC (Security Operations Center) to deal with computer security-related issues efficiently from a single place. It is designed to offer the top-notch security to your corporate data.

Concluding Lines

In this turbulent time, it is necessary to prevent your company’s crucial and confidential data from going into the wrong hands. Business IT security services can assist you to accomplish this goal by keeping threats and vulnerabilities at bay. In a nutshell, business IT security will remain an indispensable factor for ensuring the growth of your business in years to come.

Silver Touch Technologies is renowned and reputed IT infrastructure management service provider. Our wide array of infrastructure management solutions include end-point asset management, security monitoring and management, backup and replication services. We offer a variety of services ranging from monitoring to management to our global clients across different industry sectors. Just send us an email at info@silvertouch.com to get the strategy for safeguarding your organization’s data.