We live in an age where the risk of cyberattacks and sudden disasters is at its peak. No enterprise can ignore this risk, and therefore, it is necessary to protect valuable corporate data without impacting its availability. Here, data resilience comes into play. As one of the critical components of modern businesses, it ensures continuous and uninterrupted accessibility while safeguarding data.

As per the definition, data resilience is the ability of a company or its systems to continue operations even during unexpected events that affect data availability directly. Data resilience solutions can play a vital role during incidents like hardware failures, cyberattacks, power outages, and natural disasters. These solutions take regular backups and implement data encryption to ensure the continuous availability of critical information for users.

In this post, we will see the step-by-step guide to building a data resilience strategy along with best practices. Let’s start with understanding different threats to your company’s data.

Understanding the Threats

These days, data resilience has gone beyond data backup. A comprehensive data resilience strategy can ensure that your business works smoothly even if its data is at risk. Here are some threats that you can address through data resilience solutions.


This is the most common threat to your corporate data. Malicious actors can deploy ransomware, malware, or phishing attacks to steal or hold your data hostage. Robust cybersecurity measures like encryption, firewalls, and access controls can minimize these risks.

Hardware and Software Failures

Even the best hardware can fail, and software bugs can cause data loss. Regular backups, data redundancy, and taking assistance from reliable vendors can help mitigate these risks.

Natural Disasters

Floods, fires, and other natural disasters can damage physical infrastructure and disrupt data storage. Data centers located in remote or isolated areas and cloud-based storage solutions ensure data availability during such events.

Human Error

Accidental deletion or modification of data by employees can be a major headache. User training on data handling procedures and having clear version control systems can minimize this risk.

System Outages

Power outages, network disruptions, or other unforeseen events can prevent access to data. Having a disaster recovery plan in place can assist your company in neutralizing the risk of data loss during system outages.

A proper data resilience strategy can address these threats effectively and minimize their impact on daily operations.

Building a Resilient Data Strategy

Building a Resilient Data Strategy

Data resilience is a long-term commitment to understanding data, its vulnerabilities, and its response plan. Here’s how to build a strategy for it-


Identify your critical data and systems. You can leverage automation to streamline data harvesting and classification.


You need to find out how long your company can survive if key systems are down. Analyze the impact of downtime versus the cost of solutions.


Strategically allocate resources to fortify the data and systems that need it most. Your understanding of downtime costs is crucial.


While cyberattacks are a concern, you should focus on the most likely disruptions that could cripple your critical assets.


Establish minimum acceptable resilience standards for your high-priority assets. This could involve aiming for specific uptime targets.


Now that you know your weak spots, you can secure systems, patch vulnerabilities, and review your data governance framework.


Automate tasks wherever possible from identifying risky data to configuring backups. Automation improves response times and simplifies complexities.


Develop a robust data backup strategy, including air-gapped and immutable backups for ensuring maximum security.

Data resilience is the key to ensuring your data remains available, accessible, and usable even during unwanted incidents. Though it is difficult to achieve 100% resilience, these steps will help you minimize downtime and keep your business running seamlessly.

Best Practices for Different Industries

It is imperative to save confidential business data from multiple threats ranging from cyberattacks to human errors. What makes this task more challenging is the regular increase in data volumes. However, the following best practices can help you meet these challenges.

Proper Assessment

What comes first is making a blueprint of assets and other aspects that require a data resilience strategy. You can also identify how data should be backed up for these assets. You should include risks and potential impacts of data loss, system failure, etc. in a complete account.

Requirement Clarification

It is essential to clarify compliance-related requirements. Moreover, maintaining compliance is an ongoing activity because regulations keep changing. You can work with an external partner or consult a data resilience solutions provider to clarify these requirements.

Complete Documentation

You need to define roles and responsibilities clearly for implementing data resiliency. You can implement the ‘3-2-1-0 rule’ that demands keeping at least three data backups on two different types of media. One of those backups should reside remotely and another should be out of anyone’s reach.

Inclusive Approach

This is one of the most useful strategies. When it comes to disaster recovery and ransomware discussions, you should keep every team member on the same page. Cloud security is also a shared responsibility and without the support of your team members, no business data can remain secure.

Backup Implementation

Tailored data backup and recovery solutions are essential to implement based on your data needs. You can opt for cloud-based data backup and recovery software to achieve this objective. It is always better to get a tailored solution in line with your unique data needs for achieving maximum resilience.

Regular Testing

Your data resilience strategy must include regular testing and upgrading. It is because new data assets and challenges are adding with time to your business ecosystem. Regular testing and review can make your strategy more reliable and robust to save critical business data.

All these best practices can ensure a better future with seamless access to business data during and after any threat.

Future of Data Resilience

Talking about the future of data resilience, automation, and AI will play a bigger role in threat detection and response, enabling faster recovery times. Cloud-based data storage will become even more geographically distributed, offering greater redundancy and protection against localized disasters.

In the coming years, the focus will move beyond protecting data to ensuring its continued usability, data quality, and integrity throughout its lifecycle. As data becomes a more critical asset, data resilience will gain prominence across different industry sectors worldwide.

Concluding Lines

A proper data resilience strategy with best practices can address various threats like natural disasters and human errors successfully. It is better to utilize cloud-based data storage to enhance accessibility and security. Apart from protecting the company’s data, resiliency solutions can ensure its continuous usability and integrity.

At Modern Workplace, we offer your company robust data resilience solutions based on the cloud. We also assist you in making a strategy and executing solutions to ensure true resiliency. We ensure that the cloud-driven solution can work seamlessly to protect your corporate data. Want to explore the scope of our data resiliency solution for your workplace? Let’s connect and discuss.

What does it take to deploy any business application? A company has to establish a physical server on its premises and invest in necessary hardware and physical infrastructure. However, this is a big challenge for a startup or even an established enterprise. Thankfully, public, private, and hybrid cloud concepts can provide the solution to this challenge. Let’s delve into these three types.

Scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness are major characteristics of cloud technology. Modern companies can count on this technology for deploying and handling their dedicated websites and applications. In this post, we will see the difference between public, private, and hybrid cloud technologies in detail.

Let’s start with the basics.

Types of Cloud Computing and their Significance

Cloud computing is gaining ground quickly in today’s challenging corporate world. As per the functionality and scope, we can classify cloud computing into three broad categories-

Public Cloud

In this type, a third-party cloud service provider owns and operates the infrastructure and services. The public can use these services through the Internet. People can access and use shared resources including storage and applications of this type.

Private Cloud

Here, a single organization owns and operates the infrastructure and services in a personal cloud computing environment. For example, a private company or government agency uses this type of cloud and gives its access to only authorized users within the respective organization.

Hybrid Cloud

It is a combination of both public and private cloud environments that enables companies to take advantage of the benefits of public and private cloud systems. It can manage traffic levels during peak usage and offer higher flexibility. A hybrid cloud is scalable and cost-effective in use.

Let’s have a glimpse on a quick comparison between public, private, and hybrid cloud.

Quick Comparison Between Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud

Detailed Difference between Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud

Detailed Difference between Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud can be confusing. However, here we give a breakdown of these differences between cloud platforms in a simple way. It will help you understand the concept of every cloud platform and select the right type.

Public cloud empowers entertainment giants like Netflix and Spotify, enabling them to stream endless content without owning all the servers. It’s also the backbone of countless email services and online stores, providing scalable resources on demand. Having a public cloud is like renting a bustling marketplace stall. This type is perfect for open, high-traffic needs.

Private cloud takes the stage for highly sensitive data. Banks, financial institutions, and hospitals rely on it to securely store customer information and medical records. Private cloud enables companies to keep everything within a controlled environment. It’s like building a fortress around your data, offering ultimate security, but with limited flexibility and agility.

The hybrid cloud offers the advantage of both worlds. It can give flexibility of a public cloud with enhanced data security of a private cloud. It’s like owning a luxury cottage close to the marketplace, offering a blend of accessibility and privacy for varied needs. Hybrid cloud model is the most suitable model for modern businesses.

Choosing the right cloud type depends on your business needs. Public cloud is ideal for non-sensitive workloads, private cloud for high-security data, and hybrid cloud for flexible, balanced computing. Let’s understand the way to choose the right cloud platform for your company.

Public vs Private vs Hybrid Cloud- Which One Should You Select?

Choosing the right cloud platform can be a head-scratcher, especially for startups and SMBs having diverse needs. Here are some useful tips for selecting the right platform.

Cost-conscious startups often opt for the public cloud. Its shared resources and pay-as-you-go model are budget-friendly, making it ideal for testing and development.

Medium and larger businesses, with stricter security demands and diverse workloads can select the hybrid cloud. This model combines the public cloud’s scalability and cost-efficiency with the private cloud’s secure, controlled environment.

Data-sensitive sectors including healthcare, government, and even retail can select private clouds. Government agencies, for instance, might lean towards a private cloud for its ironclad security. Private cloud remains the costliest option with limited flexibility and highest data security.

It is better to remember that there is no one-size-fits-all solution. It is better to consult an experienced and reliable cloud solutions provider to choose the right model for your business.

Real-world Examples of Public, Private, and Hybrid Cloud

Let’s dive into the real world and see how these cloud models play their roles-

Public cloud

Vast library of movies and shows of Netflix streams to millions without them needing to own all the servers. That’s public cloud in action, powering numerous websites, emails, and online stores with its flexible, scalable resources.

Private cloud

Hospitals and financial institutions use private clouds to securely store customer information and medical records. It can keep everything within their controlled environment. It is like a powerful fort for your digital assets, offering ultimate security.

Hybrid cloud

An airline needs convenience and control. They might use the public cloud for online bookings, while keeping passenger and flight plans secure in their private cloud. Private companies across manufacturing and retail sectors can opt for hybrid cloud.

These are just a glimpse of the diverse applications of cloud models. Wherever you are on your digital journey, you need to choose your most suitable cloud platform.

Concluding Lines

Getting a one-size-fits-all formula is difficult in cloud computing. Whether you prioritize cost-effectiveness, security, or scalability, public, private, and hybrid models offer a spectrum of capabilities. You can analyze your needs, understand the trade-offs, and analyze resources like a private vs public vs hybrid cloud. It will help you find your perfect fit, and leverage the benefits of cloud computing for your business.

We assist you to find the right cloud model with the necessary features to meet your business objectives. Contact us with your requirements and one of our business consultants will connect soon!

The human resource department is a backbone of any organization. It manages a wide range of tasks including payroll, performance management, attendance, and more. As organizations grow these human resources-related tasks become more complex. In such a scenario, an advanced HRMS on cloud can lend a helping hand for HR teams.

In this post, we are going to dig deep into cloud-based HRMS software and discuss its top features as well as future trends. Let’s start with understanding the concept of having HRMS on cloud.

What is HRMS on Cloud?

HRMS stands for human resource management system. A cloud-based HRMS is a reliable solution hosted in the cloud. It enables companies to access the necessary information related to the HR activities from anywhere and anytime. It eliminates the need for expensive hardware and software installations, and makes it easy to scale the system up or down as per the requirement.

One of the biggest benefits of cloud HRMS solutions is that it can automate various time-consuming and repetitive tasks that HR teams regularly perform. This frees up HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives and employee engagement.

For example, a cloud-based HRMS can automate payroll processing and performance reviews. This can save valuable time for HR teams and reduce the risk of human errors. As a result, the HR department can work more efficiently.

Let’s go through other big benefits of HRMS on cloud.

Top Benefits of HRMS on Cloud

Cloud-based HRMS is rapidly becoming the preferred choice of HR departments across different companies. It is simply because of its convenience, flexibility, and ability to transform the HR department. Here are some of the major benefits of cloud-based HRMS:

Anytime Access

Users can access cloud-based HRMS from anywhere and anytime using an internet connection. This facility makes it ideal for remote workers and employees who travel frequently.

Reduced Costs

Cloud HRMS software is typically subscription-based, so there are no upfront hardware or software costs. Additionally, there are no installation or maintenance charges.

Data Security

HRMS solutions on cloud employ robust security measures to protect employee data. Some of these measures include encryption, access controls, and regular backups.

High Customization

Cloud HRMS solutions are highly customizable, making it capable to adapt to the changing needs of your business. Also, the HRMS solution provider takes care of its update and maintenance.

Easy to Scale

HRMS software based on cloud is easy to integrate with third-party applications and services, and you can easily scale up as your company’s operations grow.

Let’s go through some important features of cloud-driven HRMS software.

Key Features of Cloud-Based HRMS

Key Features of Cloud-Based HRMS

  • Resource Allocation

This includes all the data related resources and their experiences. It also includes the employee’s professional record. The management can allocate resources more effectively based on these records.

  • HR & Benefits Administration

This includes features for administering and managing total rewards programs, such as compensation and benefits, performance management, and recognition or appraisal.

  • Training Management

This includes features such as recruitment and onboarding, succession planning, and training and development. These features bring automation in multiple activities related to the hiring process.

  • Attendance Management

This includes the information related to the employee’s paid and unpaid leaves and time logs. It is useful for the year-end appraisal process and measuring the employee’s overall performance for a specific period.

  • Personal Data Management

This includes the management of personal data of employees including their account details, addresses, etc. It can securely store confidential data of your team members.

  • Resource Management

This includes features such as recruitment and onboarding, succession planning, and training and development. It enables the company’s management to develop skills and allocate resources more effectively.

  • Skill Management

This includes features for providing employees with the tools and resources they need to develop their skills and careers. It can assist your company to upgrade the skills of team members and increase their productivity.

  • Workforce analytics

This includes features that provide insights into the workforce, such as performance trends, employee engagement, and diversity and inclusion. These features give a clear picture of diverse work culture.

  • Employee Performance Management

This includes features such as employee database management, payroll processing, time and attendance tracking, and performance management. You can measure KPIs and other indicators based on this data.

We can expect addition of new features with some interesting trends. Here is a glimpse of future trends of cloud-powered HRMS solution.

Future Trends in HRMS on Cloud

Some of the future trends for cloud-powered HRMS software are-

  • Skill Management

It is aimed at identifying and nurturing top talent, as well as matching employees to the right roles.

  • Workforce Analytics

It provides organizations with valuable insights into their workforce, such as performance trends, employee engagement, etc.

  • Total Rewards

Total rewards programs can include everything from compensation and benefits to performance management and recognition.

  • Employee Experience
Cloud HRMS solutions help organizations create a positive and engaging employee experience, from onboarding to retirement.

By implementing these trends, we can expect HRMS solutions to become more intelligent and advanced in the future. This will allow HR professionals to focus on more strategic initiatives, such as developing and implementing talent management strategies.

Why Choose Silver HRMS?

Here are some top reasons why you should choose Silver HRMS:

  • It is easy to establish and manage
  • It is accessible from anywhere
  • It is cost-effective
  • It uses trusted cloud-based technology

Our team of experienced professionals strive to add features that can effectively address challenges of the HR department.



Cloud-based HRMS software can help HR managers to be growth enablers by streamlining HR processes, improving efficiency, and providing valuable insights into the workforce.

HRMS on Cloud offers a number of features including talent management, workforce analytics, total rewards, career development, and employee experience. With ease of setup and managing, HRMS software remains accessible from anywhere. This makes it ideal for organizations with remote workers or employees who travel frequently.

Overall, cloud HRMS solutions remain helpful to modern organizations to improve their HR operations and achieve business goals with sustainable growth.

Cloud computing- today, this concept has become inevitable for the corporate world. We just cannot imagine the growth of modern businesses without implementing cloud computing solutions. This futuristic technology is a base of utility computing, application building, and other advanced approaches like SaaS (Software-as-a-Service) and PaaS (Platform-as-a-Service).

Here we are going to see the history of the cloud concept along with its current status and future. The journey of the cloud has remained interesting to date. Though the approach has started gaining ground in the corporate sector from the 2000s, its foundation was laid some 40 years back.

History of Cloud Computing- 1960s to 1990s

big data

It all started in the 1960s with the advent of Remote Job Entry (RJE). However, some consider the rise of terminal computing in the 1970s as the first phase of cloud computing. Others would say that the most credible claim for the beginning of cloud computing services might be the development of Telescript by General Magic.

As highlighted in the quote of Andy Hertzfeld in one of the articles of Wired magazine in the year 1994- “The beauty of Telescript, is that now, instead of just having a device to program, we now have the entire Cloud out there, where a single program can go and travel to many different sources of information and create sort of a virtual service. No one had conceived that before.

Telescript is a precursor to Java that we know as an official programming language for developing Android mobile apps.

In the year 1969, JCR Licklider has given an idea of an Intergalactic Computing Network which was similar to the modern Internet. His vision was to keep everyone interconnected and being able to access programs and data at any site across the globe. On the basis of this notion, the concept of Virtual Machines (VMs) was developed in late 1970. It made possible to apply one or more operating systems at once in an isolated environment.

In the 1980s and 1990s, the practice of walled garden online computing was on the rise. In the US, America Online and CompuServe dominated this practice. Then in the late 1990s, the tech domain witnessed a paradigm shift from a walled to open Internet. This change brought the next phase of the evolution of cloud computing services in the form of email services like Hotmail and Yahoo! Mail. This advancement further paved the way for other cloud-based applications like Napsters and Office 365.

The advent of IaaS (Infrastructure-as-a-Service) is dated back to the early 2000s. It was aimed at enabling all-sized organizations to leverage the benefits from the scalability of cloud computing solutions without spending a lot of bucks in capital expenditures and ongoing maintenance. It further gave rise to new companies or digital startups by giving them access to cloud-based solutions at reasonable rates.

Related Reading- Reasons Why Your Business Needs to Move to the Cloud

Present of Cloud Computing- From 2000s to Present

Amazon, an eCommerce giant expanded cloud computing services in 2006 to capitalize on the advantages of the cloud. It introduced Elastic Compute Cloud to enable individuals to access computers and operate their own applications on the cloud. Today, we know it as the pay-as-you-go model.

The cloud approach can be broadly classified into three categories- Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid Cloud. Yesterday, the cloud was considered as an approach for big and financially sound firms. Today, thanks to advancing technology, even startups can get the benefits of this revolutionary concept and disrupt the industrial scenario without investing much on digital infrastructure. The emergence of many cloud-native organizations is also attributed to the rise of cloud computing services. The cloud has made it possible for new players to outperform large and longer-established companies.

Global players like IBM, SoftLayer, and Alibaba offer public, private, and hybrid cloud computing solutions to businesses across the world. Today, as companies look to maintain applications in data centers, the concept of public and hybrid cloud will remain in focus in the coming time.

Future of Cloud- Evolution is on!

future of cloud

The stage is set for the bright future of cloud computing services. As the concept evolves rapidly with deployments of hybrid and multi-cloud solutions in the enterprises, we can certainly assume that terms like multi-cloud, hybrid-IT, and managed services will be things of the past in the next five years. Hybrid solutions will remain the most optimized and cost-effective for enterprises. The cloud computing solutions are based on performance needs and end-user demands along with data residency needs.

We will see the substantial rise in the public cloud, private cloud, on-premise, or a mix of all types over the period. The role of cloud service providers will remain crucial for pushing all these types of cloud-based applications. As enterprises will adapt to the hyper-scale public cloud, the concept of on-premise data centers will spread rapidly. We expect this trend to continue over the next ten years with the increased demand for customized cloud solutions.

Concluding Lines

From reliability to productivity and from cost-effectiveness to performance; the cloud computing services have them all. The concept of cloud has, therefore, a great future ahead. We, at Silver Touch, are ready to embrace the advancements of cloud computing to make robust applications that enhance the convenience and establish a centralized model. Let’s connect to discuss the scope of this futuristic technology for your business.

Cloud computing services have paved the way for secure storage of critical corporate data. You can count on cloud solutions for storing, managing, and accessing data using your fingertips. This revolutionary concept has facilitated modern businesses to store their data without investing in the additional storage facility. It is a major reason why many companies opt for cloud migration these days.

As your company transfers applications to the cloud, it will start getting key benefits including

  • Reduced overheads and maintenance costs
  • Quicker response
  • Reduced operational risks
  • Improved control over data
  • Any-time access to data and integration of emerging technologies
  • More focus on core business activities

But then, moving to the cloud is a bit complex process and you need a reliable cloud computing. If not done properly, the cloud migration process can lead your business toward chaos while making it vulnerable to cyber-attacks. Here we give five main phases of cloud migration along with strategies and best practices for completing the cloud migration process successfully.

Five Phases of Cloud Migration

1. Preparation and Planning

Just like other emerging technologies, the cloud computing concept also needs proper planning and preparation. In other words, no company should opt for cloud computing just because they are in vogue and provide a cost-effective way to store data. You need to consider your business needs and define IT portfolio before moving to the cloud. Proper preparation for migration can run the process smoothly until the end, and you can start leveraging its business benefits with ease.

2. Discover and Define IT Portfolio As mentioned above, you need to discover an IT portfolio to migrate. It consists of applications, servers, network, and interdependencies. You need to define the portfolio on the basis of your business goals and priorities. Cloud solutions take a holistic approach, and therefore, you need to think of every business aspect before migrating to the cloud. Detailed analysis of your portfolio can make your business ready for an obvious initial impact due to cloud migration.

3 & 4. Design and Validation of Applications After two phases, the focus shifts to application design and validation before migration. This phase involves continuous improvement in line with changing needs. Each application may have different migration strategy but all of them have a common goal. The cloud computing services are aimed at establishing synergy between applications and implementing an iterative approach to ensure better outcomes of cloud migration.

5. Operating Environment After the successful migration of a few applications to the cloud, your new and advanced operating environment is ready to use. You need to optimize this cloud-based environment with the help of cloud services provider to ensure that your business goals remain achievable. This is time to say goodbye to legacy data storage systems and embrace the modern operating environment known as the cloud.

Key Strategies for Cloud Migration

Before going through the best practices of cloud migration, let’s have a glimpse of key cloud migration strategy. Here it is fair to mention that each of your business application requires a separate and well-defined strategy to achieve the maximum outcome. Also, the migration process involves a combination of these strategies according to business requirements.


When it comes to migrating large legacy applications, rehosting can speed up the process and optimize the existing application to make the most of cloud technology.


It is about changing the configuration of existing applications and optimizing them for cloud hosting without changing their architecture. Cloud computing services can help you in implementing this strategy.

Repurchase At times, legacy applications are not suitable for migrating to the cloud because of their old set of frameworks. In such cases, it is better to upgrade or replace the existing application with a cloud-compatible application. Repurchase needs a major investment during the cloud migration process.

Rebuild Cloud-hosted applications are quite different as compared to non-cloud-hosted applications. At times, companies can opt for modifying or changing the entire architecture or configuration of existing applications to add cloud-based features. Here, the cloud solutions provider can undertake a cost-benefit analysis. This analysis can assist the management to make a decision.

Retire Applications that are of no use can be retired before initiating the cloud migration process. It enables the company to focus more on the applications that are used frequently. You can reduce cost by retiring unused applications as the cloud hosting provider takes charge as per the use.

Retain Finally, you can retain a few of the existing applications in the same old environment. You can do so if these applications are too complex to migrate, critical to your business, or recently updated. In such conditions, you can consider migration of these apps in a later phase.

Now, we will go through five best practices for cloud migration.

Best Practices for Cloud Migration

1. Application Architecture
Application Architecture
This is the first and foremost step to consider while you transfer applications to cloud. Proper understanding of the application’s architecture can enable you to come up with an effective strategy to ensure a smooth migration process. You can find out the aspects like components, dependency, and integration structure of your existing application.

2. Proper Storage PlansToday, many players offer their services in a thriving cloud platform. Some of the notable names are AWS, Microsoft Azure, and GCP (Google Cloud Platform). You can select from different cloud storage plans and data tiers as per your business requirements. But here, it is better to understand each and every storage plan carefully to avoid any problem in the future.

3. Performance Testing This is a crucial step because migrating to the cloud is always a challenging and daunting task. If your application fails to run smoothly after the migration, you need to consider other strategies. You need to find and resolve all performance-related issues before running a pilot phase after migration. You can check whether the applications offer a stable experience to the users during this pilot phase.

4. Multi-cloud Approach The multi-cloud approach enables you to avoid any shortcomings of a single cloud approach. For example, private cloud and public cloud concepts have their pros and cons, whereas a multi-cloud approach can help you overcome the cons while getting the most suitable cloud solutions for your business needs.

5. Constant Monitoring
Constant Monitoring

For your existing applications, the cloud environment is new and more advanced. Therefore, you should monitor the functionality of your applications continuously to find out whether they handle all the changes and work seamlessly in the new environment. What’s more, your monitoring software for these applications should be compatible with the dynamic cloud environment.>

Concluding Lines

Cloud solutions can offer your business stability, scalability, and disaster recovery while reducing operational costs. Cloud technology remains handy if you want to stay ahead of the curve without spending a fortune. We hope these tips and best practices will assist you to migrate your business applications to the cloud and leverage a plethora of benefits.

Silver Touch Technologies is a leading cloud services provider. We offer end-to-end solutions to make the most of the cloud technology. You can get a blend of cloud applications, a centralized cloud network, and convenient management to take your business to the next level. Contact us at info@silvertouch.com for giving your business a competitive edge using cloud computing in a cost-effective way.

Let’s start with a LogicMonitor’s Cloud Vision 2020 finding- 83% of enterprise workloads will be in the cloud by 2020. Two major factors are responsible for such a higher adoption of cloud computing solutions in the corporate world- One, companies want digital transformation, and two, even startups and SMEs can see the future in the cloud technology. Be it public, private or hybrid clouds- the cloud computing services gain ground in the industries globally.

Over recent years, cloud technology has become an inevitable part of every organization and business. As a growth catalyst, the cloud approach has revolutionized the way companies operate their business. Looking at such a rapid surge in the adaption of cloud computing, Gartner has predicted that the cloud-based revenue will increase up to 17.3% in the year 2019. In this post, we have pointed out the importance of cloud computing solutions for your business through some noteworthy benefits.

Key Benefits of Cloud Computing Solutions for Your Business

1. Boost Business Growth

Cloud computing acts as a stepping stone for implementing technological advancements in the business system. SMBs can also benefit from cloud computing services and get rid of the financial crisis originated from spending money on multiple resources. On-demand storage facility and computing power as per the necessity are two major advantages of the cloud approach. It is fair to mention that cloud computing is reshaping the business by introducing inexhaustible resources and higher scalability. Altogether, it is possible to achieve rapid business development thanks to cloud solutions.

2. Improve Customer Service

Customer services can play a vital role in ensuring the success of any business. In today’s competitive environment, offering better services to the customers can give you an edge over peers. Cloud-based applications enable your customers to stay in touch with your company or organization. Also, they can connect with the staff for resolving queries or giving feedback instantly. Real-time communication and relevant information without the restriction of time and place can attract and engage customers with your business. In a way, cloud computing enables you to improve customer relations.

3. Increase Flexibility

Many popular companies and brands rely on micro-services for rapid deployment and high scalability. Cloud computing services can enable you to leverage the benefits of micro-service architecture, and your company can readily get an effective solution. What’s more, micro-service architecture provides the necessary flexibility for your business. Thanks to cloud technology, you can readily upgrade the existing digital infrastructure and update business applications to meet the changing requirements with ease. Simply put, the cloud-based services help you bring flexibility in your organization.

4. Promote Innovation

The cloud approach can open the doors of unlimited possibilities. It’s up to you how you can implement its features and benefits in the business system. These days, various industry sectors strive to improve efficiency and productivity, and cloud-first concept can help them in achieving their goals. The cloud services provider can suggest innovative changes in the business system using the cloud-first concept and keep the business ready for future advancements. Multicloud and cloud-based CRM are a few of the examples of innovative approach in cloud computing.

5. Enhance Collaboration

Cloud-based applications enable users to store, share, and access to critical company data anytime and anywhere. If your business is in expansion mode or you want to stay connected with employees working at remote places, the cloud computing services can lend a helping hand. Your staff can easily collaborate and coordinate while working on a single project and you can monitor the operation on the move with the help of cloud-based apps. Tens of thousands of persons can work together from different places with the help of cloud solutions. It further translates into higher productivity and efficiency. Related Reading- 7 Ways Small Businesses can Benefit from Cloud Services

6. Protect Data

This is one of the biggest advantages of cloud computing. Today, the world faces a big threat in the form of a data breach and the corporate sector strives to preserve their valuable data and protect the privacy of employees. Cloud computing solutions and applications are relatively more powerful as compared to traditional software in combating cyber attacks. It is easy to protect your valuable and confidential data in the cloud. You can also utilize the authorization feature to give access to particular data to specific persons. In a way, cloud technology enables you to prevent your data from going into wrong hands.

7. Reduce Overheads

Cloud computing services are designed to facilitate you with feature-rich apps that can work seamlessly anywhere. Also, you can utilize cloud-based solutions in line with your business needs. For example, you can increase scalability and add multiple features in cloud applications to extend the reach of your business and address target audience at any point. It enables you to stay away from investing money in additional software or hardware purchase. Also, cloud solutions can be readily managed by a few persons and you need not hire people for the same. In a way, you can reduce overheads without impairing business processes.

8. Bring Automation

Lastly, we cannot forget the role of cloud computing in bringing automation in the business processes. Automatic maintenance, auto-scaling, and scheduling of updates are some of the features of cloud computing applications. These features can save a lot of time and money while ensuring a seamless performance. Also, it is easy to integrate advanced features of futuristic technologies like IoT, AR, and AI.

Concluding Lines

Cloud computing services can bring automation and transform your business digitally. Apart from providing improved storage capacity and enhanced safety of data, the cloud-based solution makes your business ready to cope with growing challenges and increasing competition. Irrespective of sector and nature of your business, the cloud solutions can lead your company toward rapid growth in a short time.

At Silver Touch, we believe that the future lies in the cloud technology. We provide cost-effective, performance-oriented, reliable, and high-end cloud computing services globally. If you want to automate business processes and enhance convenience by migrating your business apps and digital infrastructure to cloud, simply mail us at info@silvertouch.com. Our expert consultants will provide the most advanced Hyper-Converged cloud support for taking your business to the next level.

The COVID-19 pandemic has a disastrous effect on the world economy. As per the World Bank analysis, “Coronavirus pandemic and ensuing lockdowns in several parts of the world have led to a recession unmatched in eight decades.” From February 2020 to December 2020, the coronavirus outbreak has not only made our lives complicated but also kept entrepreneurs on their toes.

The coronavirus-inflicted recession amid a lot of uncertainties and panic has caused big damage in the corporate world. It may lead to a prolonged slump in the post-pandemic phase. Therefore, it is imperative for entrepreneurs and business persons to implement recession-proof business practices. Thankfully, advancing technology lends a helping hand in this turbulent time. This blog discusses the role of cloud and mobility solutions trends to make businesses survive and thrive in the years to come.

V-Shape Recovery is Not Visible

Let’s face it. The World Bank has predicted that the global economy will shrink by 5.2% by the end of this year that will trigger the deepest recession after the end of the second world war. Even if the world will come out of this crisis, it will take years for the economy and business to return to normalcy or pre-crisis levels. What’s more, the full return of the economy to the pre-crisis level will become more challenging over the period.

In such a complicated scenario, you need to keep your business recession-proof. Entrepreneurs, workers, and investors have to make plans and implement recession-proof business practices for handling the post-COVID era. There, custom software development and cloud technology come into the picture. Let’s dig deep into the importance of embracing cloud and mobility trends for keeping business away from economic distress.

How Cloud and Mobility Solutions Help?

A reputed Cloud and mobility solutions provider monitor, manage, and update the business software to keep your enterprise up and running in any situation. Unlike typical on-premise solutions, customized cloud and mobility solutions are highly secure and capable of handling the recession phase without spending more money. Though an IT consulting company can cast light on this aspect, we can mention here that cloud technology can reduce the IT operational cost significantly.

Also Read- How Tech Firm Benefits Businesses in Covid-19 Era

The Work-from-Home (WFH) trend has become a need of the hour in this corona age. The custom application development company can build remote work collaboration software based on cloud technology to overcome the challenges of the WFH concept. It is possible to reduce expenses and enhance the morale of employees with customized mobility solutions. Also, enterprises can utilize RPA (Robotic Process Automation) solutions to automate work processes and transform their business model from paper-based to digital.

Simply put, cloud-based software and mobility solutions can improve collaboration cost-effectively and empower businesses to remain productive amid crisis. Here are some of the top examples of mobility trends that remain helpful to modern businesses to remain recession-proof.

  • CRM (Customer Relationship Management) Software– Poor handling of the client’s queries can cost an enterprise a lot in this pandemic period. Many companies find it difficult to maintain telecom customer support services with a reduced staff. There, CRM software can help them fill the communication gap. An established custom application development company can build a feature-rich CRM tool to give the business a 360-degree view of customer queries. The tool also fetched customer data and help entrepreneurs understand the customer’s behavior.
  • Video Conferencing Solution– This is categorically helpful in managing the WFH practice. Customized web conferencing tools remain very handy in this quarantine phase because they provide highly interactive Audio Video experiences to employers and employees alike. Whether it is discussing the new project or giving a presentation, the video conferencing solution is always ready to take your business to a new level. You can consult a reliable IT solutions provider to build a tailored conferencing app.
  • Virtual Hiring– It is not possible to call candidates at the office for an interview due to the lockdowns and social distancing norms. Here, Virtual Hiring and On-Boarding processes can make a difference. These processes are based on cloud technology and involve mobility trends to enhance the value of your business. Virtual screening and hiring processes can improve the employee’s engagement level while bringing automation. Video interviews can be organized using the cloud and mobility trends.
  • Collaboration Tools– A custom software development company can build advanced tools to enable remote working teams to communicate and collaborate effectively. These tools can streamline business processes by providing a real-time communication facility. Other key features of such collaboration tools include instant messaging, video conferencing, and task management.

Entrepreneurs can also find the right cloud and mobility solutions solutions provider to build bespoke solutions for file management and mobile payments. All such aspects can contribute to keeping your business recession-proof and attracting more customers.

Concluding Lines

Enterprise mobility solutions can assist you to improve employee productivity, reduce operational cost, and ensure data security while offering better customer services. The Cloud technology, on the other hand, can bring automation to your business processes while remaining scalable to meet changing needs. It is fair to mention that cloud and mobility trends will help enterprises keep up with the new normal even during this recessionary time.

Silver Touch Technologies is a reputed IT solutions company. We offer resilient services including Work from Home solutions, information security, mailing & collaboration, and SOC (Security Operations Center) to make modern enterprises ready for the post-COVID era. Our experienced developers integrate advancements of cloud technology in 360-degree mobility solutions. Do you want to know more about our resilient services and solutions? Simply drop us a line at info@silvertouch.com, and we will get back to you soon.

Entrepreneurs are well aware of the fact that the digital transformation of business becomes more imperative in this technology-driven age. The cloud computing solutions are here to facilitate the transformation by providing the cloud platform for secure storage and anytime access to critical data and applications. As per the finding of Logic Monitor’s Cloud Vision 2020 survey, 83% of enterprise workloads will remain in the cloud by the year 2020.

How cloud services are Useful for Modern Businesses?

Modern enterprises have to deal with ever-growing competition and diverse requirements that keep on changing with the market trends. The cloud technology with its three platforms- Public Cloud, Private Cloud, and Hybrid cloud- can address both these objectives easily. From email services to data storage services to mobile application access, cloud services can meet the day-to-day needs of businesses in a secure and cost-effective way.

Scalability and flexibility make cloud computing solutions more useful for modern business. When it comes to simplify critical processes and accelerate the speed of implementation on a large scale, Hyper-Converged Infrastructure (HCI) platforms can lend a helping hand with the private cloud. If companies are in search of cost-effective solutions for managing and maintaining the data and workloads, then the public cloud can remain handy.

Hybrid cloud offers facilities like archiving and data storage facilities, disaster recovery, and implementation of new software-based environments. Companies that don’t find the best solution for all applications and workload in one cloud can opt for multicloud (multiple clouds together) to get the most suitable solution for every process. IDG has stated that the multicloud concept offers various cloud options and enables businesses to get faster disaster recovery.

Seven Benefits of Cloud Computing Solutions for Small and Mid-size Businesses

Globally, many SMBs have started migrating to the cloud gradually. Here are some noteworthy reasons why small companies should opt for cloud services.

1. Offer Cost-effectiveness

cost effective

This is the first and foremost benefit of cloud technology. Startups and small businesses have budgetary limitations and they simply cannot afford to buy hardware and other necessary equipment for managing business activities. Migration to the cloud removes capital expenditure related to the installation and maintenance of the digital infrastructure.

Also, cloud services can enable small business to get a faster and higher ROI (Return on Investment). In a way, migration to the cloud remains a cost-effective option for small companies.

2. Reduced TTM (Time to Market)

Cloud services facilitate small enterprises to allocate resources and implement changes quickly. What’s more, companies can readily implement a new production environment to stay firm amid growing competition. Small businesses can expand their capacities with ease as they have no need to worry about capacity requirements. It reflects in faster production and reduced time to market. Maximizing uptime with minimal efforts is possible with the help of cloud-based solutions.

3. Increase Scalability

Data centers are capable of storing zillions of data spread across various organizations. Generally, SMBs and even large enterprises also face the difficulty of storing and accessing the company data as they expand their business. Also, many entrepreneurs fail to estimate the data storage requirements that result in the reducing ability to grab new opportunities. There, cloud-based resources are very helpful as they can be scaled up and down easily to meet the diverse data storage requirements.

Also Read- How Cloud Platform should Implement Information Security for Business

4. Enhance Productivity

Small businesses and startups have to deal with limited resources. It is beneficial for them if the cloud service provider can handle data-related requirements. You can keep your team free from maintaining hardware and other devices. As a result, the team can focus on other critical and value-added activities including data analytics, IT security, and product manufacturing. You can assign complex and time-bound tasks to the employees to enhance productivity.

5. Promote Innovation

Creativity and innovation hold a key to success for startups and small business. Cloud computing solutions enable the small business to offload tasks related to digital infrastructure management and motivate team members to think innovatively to drive the company. When your team has to focus only on the growth of your company, you can expect the optimum outcome. In a way, cloud technology promotes innovation for modern business.

6. Provide Higher Security


Growing incidences of a data breach and cyberattacks is a big cause of concern for SMBs and established enterprises alike. When it comes to secure your company’s critical data, you can count on cloud services. Third-party cloud platforms of Amazon and Microsoft are known for offering 24/7 security to the company’s data. A robust and reliable cloud services provider company has cloud security professionals who look after the security of confidential data with the help of the latest tools and best practices for control.

7. Improve Performance

Local edge computing, improved collaboration, anytime access to data, and high-performance computing are mainstays of cloud computing solutions. The cloud technology can enable the small business to bring automation and reduce latency to improve the overall performance. Also, regular updates in security and performance of data centers also enable companies to keep their data in safer condition and more organized way. With the range of benefits in productivity, collaboration, and security, small businesses can have a competitive edge through cloud computing solutions. Top players like Microsoft and Amazon provide top-notch cloud solutions to meet the needs of modern businesses efficiently. As a startup owner or an entrepreneur of a small company, you can consult a reputed cloud solutions provider to avail the advantage of cloud technology.

Concluding Lines

There is a notion in the corporate world that the cloud setup is difficult and can disrupt daily business activities for the time being. But the reality is- an experienced cloud solutions provider can readily establish and manage the cloud environment on behalf of your business. This is the best way to give your business the advantage of cloud technology. It is fair to mention that the cloud concept can take the business of any size and scale to the next level by improving convenience and increasing productivity.

At Silver Touch, we ensure secure and seamless access to your digital infrastructure and applications in the cloud platform. With an advanced hyper-converged setup, extensive support, superior control, and unbreachable security, your business system can be conveniently accessed anytime, anywhere. If you want to migrate multiple applications and digital processes to the cloud, simply send us an email at info@silvertouch.com. Our expert business consultants will contact you shortly.

Do you find it difficult to store and access a pile of data? Do you want to manage the business activities from remote places or your home? If your answer to these questions is ‘yes’, then the cloud solutions are perfect for your business. However, many businesspersons still sit on the fence because of some concerns regarding this technological boon. Some entrepreneurs find the cloud concept too complex to be integrated. Let’s make a list of benefits offered by cloud technology. But before that, here is the importance of the cloud in today’s competitive business scenario.

Importance of Cloud Computing Solutions

The concept of cloud management services is getting mainstreamed across various industry sectors rapidly. Entrepreneurs and traders find it highly convenient to store, share, and access corporate data. It can increase productivity that further translates into a high profit. Another characteristic of cloud solutions is they can assist startups, SMEs, and established businesses alike to thrive amid intensifying competition. Here is a brief account of the top ten benefits of cloud-based solutions for your business.

Ten Reasons Why Your Business Requires Cloud Solutions

1.Bring Flexibility

This is one of the most important benefits of cloud computing solutions. They promote mobility and increase flexibility. The cloud concept allows employees to complete their tasks from either a remote place or from home. You need fewer workstations and you can save the overhead by permitting your employees to work from home.

2.Avoid Disaster

We live in a data-driven age. Enterprises seem ready to spend a huge amount behind ensuring the security of data worldwide. Now, cloud technology provides them disaster recovery even to small enterprises. Here the data can be stored in cloud servers that are highly secured against any malfunction and virus attack. In a way, you can avoid any disaster while avoiding upfront investment and saving money while moving to the cloud.

3.Enhance scalability

Customized cloud solutions are highly scalable to address the ever-changing business requirements. For example, if you want to increase or decrease the capacity on the remote servers, cloud-based services can make it possible. Also, it enables companies to get rid of purchasing additional storage and licenses. The cloud services provider can assist you to upgrade or downgrade the package as per your requirements.

4.Backup is not Necessary

Traditionally, you need a backup for your company data. In the absence of a proper backup plan, you may lose the critical data permanently in case of any online disaster. There, the cloud lends a helping hand. You just do not require such a plan when you store data on the cloud. The users can access data with the help of the Internet. In a way, the cloud services act as a backup; and enterprises can make a disaster recovery policy by keeping the cloud services in mind.

5.Reduce cost

A data center is very expensive and requires a small fortune for establishing. From purchasing the right equipment and hiring technicians in maintaining the data center, you need to take care of many aspects as well. There, cloud computing lends a helping hand. It reduces the cost significantly by offering you to pay only for the services. What’s more, cloud solutions have different packages on the basis of features, storage, time, and the number of users, etc. You can select the one that best suits your budget and business needs.

6.Improve Collaboration

Cloud computing solutions enable employees to work from remote places. They can readily share and access the company’s critical data from anywhere and collaborate with other employees. Also, cloud technology enables the staff to eliminate redundant tasks like data re-entry. It can also help you increase productivity and efficiency while preventing data loss.

7.Save Big on Hardware

The cloud solutions help you save big on hardware costs. You can have a subscription-based model depending on your business model and data needs. Easy setup and complete control over the data without having dedicated hardware is a huge benefit of customized cloud services for your business. In other words, cloud technology facilitates entrepreneurs to get benefits of a large hardware setup without actually establishing the same.

8.Work from Any Place

The cloud technology is based on the Internet. Therefore, if Internet connectivity is there, you can work on cloud-based applications. The cloud services are designed to provide solutions that enable you and your employees to work from anywhere.

9.Remain Environment-Friendly

Cloud computing solutions can remain environment-friendly in two ways. One, they minimize the paperwork thereby saving many trees, and two; they don’t leave excessive carbon footprints, which are dangerous for the environment. In other words, the cloud concept is energy-saving and environment-friendly. It can give you sustainable and customized solutions for the business.

10.Offer Competitive Edge

Integrating cloud technology can keep your company ahead of the curve. Even smaller businesses can get an edge over large and established companies by integrating cloud technology into their existing system. Cloud solutions can enable enterprises to act faster and make informed decisions.

Apart from these noteworthy benefits, data security, document control, and various options like PaaS, SaaS, and IaaS are other benefits that can make your choice of moving to the cloud more beneficial. You can make the most of this technological advancement without spending many bucks. If you want to leverage these benefits but still do not get rid of concerns regarding cloud implementation at your workplace, it is better to consult a reliable and reputed cloud services provider.

Today, many cloud services providers claim to provide high-quality cloud solutions in a dirt-cheap price. But then, you may experience hurdles in the future when these customized solutions get failed to meet the diverse business requirements. You may not get the necessary technical assistance as well. To get rid of it, it is better to find a reliable partner that has a vast experience of developing and integrating high-end cloud computing solutions for small and large enterprises.

Wrapping Up

Cloud computing solutions are here to stay. They are capable of bringing positive change in modern businesses while preparing them to deal with future challenges and growing competition. From setting up a virtual office anywhere and anytime to control the processes in real time- the cloud concept is capable of serving many purposes. It is a high time for your company to move to the cloud for ensuring streamlined operations with complete peace of mind.

At SilverTouch, we have delivered 500+ cloud-based projects globally. Our cloud-powered enterprise networks can be readily integrated with your existing system to provide superior performance across all the applications. If you are in search of the most advanced Hyper-Converged cloud support with unmatched security, just drop us a line at info@silvertouch.com and our experienced executives will contact you shortly.

From cutting costs to increasing productivity- the cloud computing solution can help businesses in many ways irrespective of their size and scale. This is the reason why SMEs that sat on the fence for integrating the cloud concept in their system are now ready to embrace it. Most of the issues and misconceptions related to the cloud are now resolved and the technology is getting mainstreamed in the corporate world swiftly.

As per the Statista survey, the market revenue for public cloud services is expected to exceed USD 278 Billion by 2021. Similarly, Wikibon has projected that the True Private Cloud (TPC) market will reach USD 262B by 2027 with a compound annual growth rate of over 29%. These facts show the growing importance of cloud computing concept in the corporate world. As the technology matures, the confidence level of entrepreneurs increases in the cloud segment.


Source: Wikibon

Here we are going to delve into the ways through which cloud computing can cut down the costs of businesses. This is particularly useful for the small and mid-size enterprises as they face budgetary constraints and other limitations while competing with the established players.

How to cut costs with cloud computing solution.

1. 24/7 Access

Improved customer services and better accessibility can give a competitive edge to the small and mid-size companies over their large-scale competitors. If you can offer your customers a pleasant experience and better access to information continuously, chances are bright that you can achieve a loyal customer base. The cloud computing solution enables you to do so by setting up business operations in the cloud. All you can offer is a 24/7 virtual access to the customers on any of their smart devices.

2. Backup of Critical Corporate Data

The cloud computing solution is the technology’s answer to data backup and downtime-related issues. In today’s competitive scenario, no business can afford to wait for completing the backup processes. Also, it is a costly affair to hire an IT expert for data backup for companies. There, the cloud approach offers a solution. It keeps the data accessible all the time while providing backups with zero downtime. In other words, cloud technology enables you to keep the backup without impairing data access.

3. Improved Security

Security concerns for the sensitive corporate data always loom large on entrepreneurs. Thankfully, the cloud solutions provider can assist you to address these concerns. The cloud technology comes with inbuilt security solutions that are way ahead than your on-premise security features. The cloud technology offers encryption, multi factor authentication, monitoring tools, and compliance solutions to enhance the cybersecurity of your company’s digital assets.

What’s more, the migration to the cloud is also not much expensive. When you consider its long-term benefits for your business, it is fair to mention that the cloud solution actually provides a high ROI over the years while simplifying your business processes and improving customer services.

Also Read: Big Data and IoT are Two Sides of the Same Coin

How Cloud solutions provider help companies cut costs

The cloud solutions provider can give useful information about the most suitable cloud-based solution for your business. The cloud professionals study your business model and requirements to suggest the right solution from various options like IaaS (Infrastructure as a Service), PaaS (Platform as a Service), and SaaS (Software as a Service). The good thing is cloud migration costs are mostly one-time expenses and the SMEs can readily avail the advantage of this technology.

Factors to keep in mind while migrating to cloud

Switching to the cloud is a complex and time-taking process for the business. However, you need to put efforts and spend much of your time only once to migrate all the company data to the cloud. Once the process is done, you gradually experience comfort because of the automated processes.

Here are a few aspects to keep in mind while you opt for the cloud migration.

Bigger files issue

If your business generates extremely large files or deals with unstructured data like excessive Excel and Word files then you need to reorganize them due to size restrictions on the cloud. Bigger files take more time to load as compared to the smaller ones, therefore, the users may experience latency issues while accessing the large files. You can simply break the large file into multiple small files and archive older data that is not useful on a daily basis. The cloud solutions provider can help you with this task.

Internet speed

The cloud technology is based on the Internet, and therefore, the reliable connectivity and particular speed are necessary to leverage the benefits. It is advisable to upgrade to faster internet and take measures to eliminate the possibility of an outage. You may need to add this cost in your overall cloud technology migration budget. But, it makes you free from any possible troubles in the future.

Workflow update

Finally, the legacy workflows need to be updated. You need to keep your business processes in line with the new cloud-based backup procedures and security compliance. The cloud technology promotes paperless work, and therefore, a few small-scale businesses that rely heavily on the paper-based work may get failed to reap benefits of the cloud.

The cloud concept offers a cost-effective solution for seamless data storage and access. It can help companies irrespective of their business model and other related factors. You can readily take your business to the next level with the cloud computing solution. Global software giants like Microsoft (Azure), Amazon (AWS), and Google (Google Cloud) spend a lot of bucks in making this next-gen technology more advanced than ever. In coming years, we can certainly expect the exponential growth in the cloud adoption rate globally.

Wrapping Up

Large businesses can migrate their processes and data to the cloud is a story from the past. Today, even small and mid-sized enterprises can avail the advantage of cloud technology. All they need to consult a reliable cloud solutions provider. Such providers can assist companies to get an estimate of switching their business operations and software to the cloud at zero or minimal cost.

From cost management to performance optimization, the cloud solutions provider can offer end-to-end cloud-based services to take your business to the next level. As a leading cloud computing services provider, Silver Touch Technologies offers cloud applications development, cloud IT, and cloud management services to assist you to make the most from the revolutionary cloud technology.